hmmm, today is a hectic day
Sumpaah, semester ini bikin capek bgt
Dengan segala urusan entre sampe urusan tugas yg gax kelar2...
Malam ini, gw ngetik di depan laptop
abiz dari jualan 80 pancake (can u imagine that???)
God, I really miss Friday!!!
moga aja hari Jumat bisa dateng secepatnya
biar bisa jalan2 ke Puncak bareng ama Marlen, Bella, Saka, Dewa, Marcell, Wisnu, and Hadri...
Hmmm, gax terasa liburan tinggal dikit lagi
Tapi semua'nya pasti ada dampak positive n negative'nya
positive'nya berat gw turun 2 kg (yeeeey)
hahaha :p
Hmmm, God, I'm tired
Good night for all my beloved friends...
Senin, 28 Juni 2010
Minggu, 27 Juni 2010
curhatan tengah malam
Dear God,
how are You today?
Today is fun, I'm blessed and I'm happy today...
God, when I'm sitting in front of my laptop
I remember You
I remember what You've done
and what You've given
But God, suddenly, I feel sad...
There are so many miracles and blesses
but I realize
What did I have given for You????
I think it's far from Your expectation...
I try to find so many reasons
to defend myself
I have many arguments
to not think and praise You...
Good, I'm ashamed now
Because I already know, that every single aspect in my life
is come from You
only You, my Lord, my Jesus...
but why sometime I still feel Your blesses are not enough for me?
because I know, I haven't feel thankful
Yeah, that's it...
God, I want to be perfect,
B'coz You are perfect
Please lead my every single step
so I can praise Your name always...
God, I'm happy because I can talk to You tonight
Have a good day God :D
how are You today?
Today is fun, I'm blessed and I'm happy today...
God, when I'm sitting in front of my laptop
I remember You
I remember what You've done
and what You've given
But God, suddenly, I feel sad...
There are so many miracles and blesses
but I realize
What did I have given for You????
I think it's far from Your expectation...
I try to find so many reasons
to defend myself
I have many arguments
to not think and praise You...
Good, I'm ashamed now
Because I already know, that every single aspect in my life
is come from You
only You, my Lord, my Jesus...
but why sometime I still feel Your blesses are not enough for me?
because I know, I haven't feel thankful
Yeah, that's it...
God, I want to be perfect,
B'coz You are perfect
Please lead my every single step
so I can praise Your name always...
God, I'm happy because I can talk to You tonight
Have a good day God :D
Minggu, 13 Juni 2010
Smile like a children
Smile like a children :D
My friend, Marina
sent me this quote on my FB
hehehe, thankz ya Bonce
It means smile whether there is a reason or not...
Is it beautiful???
Of course :D
Thank God,
because You have blessed me today
with such a great friend
like her...
Love you, Bonce :D
My friend, Marina
sent me this quote on my FB
hehehe, thankz ya Bonce
It means smile whether there is a reason or not...
Is it beautiful???
Of course :D
Thank God,
because You have blessed me today
with such a great friend
like her...
Love you, Bonce :D
suddenly, i miss my high school friends...
when I was sitting in my room
searching for what I gonna do on this week,
suddenly, i miss my high school friends...
Guys, do you know what is the best part of being high school...??
In high school you can absent as much as you want
You can go to canteen while class still goes on
Riding your motorcycle with my besties'
And never get confuse with ur future (ooh, it's just gonna' be me)
but true,
i really miss my high school friends
We don't need to worry about what will be our job in the future...
We don't need to deal with friendship issue, love issue, family issue and job issue :D
hmmm, I don't believe this is my sixth semester,
4 months from now, I'll doing my internship program
wooow, can't believe this...
Oh my gosh, I still don't have any idea where I'm going to have my internship
but I have faith
I'm going to have it in the best company (i know that's true God)
Oh yeah, last night I watched How I Met Your Mother season 4...
And you know what, I finally learned something,
If you wanna release your heart, you must let the angry go
I still learn that...
until now
searching for what I gonna do on this week,
suddenly, i miss my high school friends...
Guys, do you know what is the best part of being high school...??
In high school you can absent as much as you want
You can go to canteen while class still goes on
Riding your motorcycle with my besties'
And never get confuse with ur future (ooh, it's just gonna' be me)
but true,
i really miss my high school friends
We don't need to worry about what will be our job in the future...
We don't need to deal with friendship issue, love issue, family issue and job issue :D
hmmm, I don't believe this is my sixth semester,
4 months from now, I'll doing my internship program
wooow, can't believe this...
Oh my gosh, I still don't have any idea where I'm going to have my internship
but I have faith
I'm going to have it in the best company (i know that's true God)
Oh yeah, last night I watched How I Met Your Mother season 4...
And you know what, I finally learned something,
If you wanna release your heart, you must let the angry go
I still learn that...
until now
this semester, I'll begin my entrepreneurship project with my friends...
We open a new food and beverage shop, it's called TARAHU
TARAHU means TOFU (Sundanees language)
The picture below is TARAHU logo...
Thank for Tika that has designed it for me...
Oh yea, for Henny, I'm really sorry for my mistake..
hikz, promise I'll never do it again T.T

We open a new food and beverage shop, it's called TARAHU
TARAHU means TOFU (Sundanees language)
The picture below is TARAHU logo...
Thank for Tika that has designed it for me...
Oh yea, for Henny, I'm really sorry for my mistake..
hikz, promise I'll never do it again T.T

Jumat, 11 Juni 2010
just give up
Dear God,
I have passed many realities this week
Before I tell you that stuffs
I really want to say thank you for all of your mercy and graces...
I know every single person that You've been sent to me is very unique
I really understand that all of those people are sent by You
to build my character,
to support me,
to cheer me up,
to give their shoulder when I must cry out,
but God...
Do you know something about me?
Now, I'm hurt...
Every single day, I tried to defend my believe to my friend
I try to protect them
but God,
I got nothing...
Nothing, but hurt
God, why You sent me a best friend,
but in the end, I must say goodbye
I need your answer God...
Please give me an answer,
because I can't understand
I'm too stupid to understand Your way
God, you know what?
I just wanna give up
I just wanna say goodbye
I'm just too tired
It's just enough
God, do you understand me?
Please give me an answer,
because I'm scare
If I will make a wrong decision
I need You right now
I have passed many realities this week
Before I tell you that stuffs
I really want to say thank you for all of your mercy and graces...
I know every single person that You've been sent to me is very unique
I really understand that all of those people are sent by You
to build my character,
to support me,
to cheer me up,
to give their shoulder when I must cry out,
but God...
Do you know something about me?
Now, I'm hurt...
Every single day, I tried to defend my believe to my friend
I try to protect them
but God,
I got nothing...
Nothing, but hurt
God, why You sent me a best friend,
but in the end, I must say goodbye
I need your answer God...
Please give me an answer,
because I can't understand
I'm too stupid to understand Your way
God, you know what?
I just wanna give up
I just wanna say goodbye
I'm just too tired
It's just enough
God, do you understand me?
Please give me an answer,
because I'm scare
If I will make a wrong decision
I need You right now
life must be gone, whatever the choice
life must be gone, what ever the choice
yes... life is must be gone.. what ever the reason..
what ever have happened, we can not ask the time to stop for a while..
even more, to go back...
no,,not at all..
and what i want to share in here..
is a simple one but its complex to explain..
same like a life.. its a simple but its too complicated to play the role on it..
today i learn something, actually one of my best friends which is ester..
she tell me about some of her cases..
and did you know somethin???
after sharing and try to find out what is the best way to overcome..
i rolling eyes and i try figure out, what will i do if i be her?..its confusing
really confusing..
when we defend someone with all of our strength but we got nothing
NOTHING at all!!
so hurt..
so sick..
and disappointed..
that was her feeling.. and i know its not an easy things to solve..
but, i also try to position my self in the person who being suspect..
and did u guess something?
it also so weight to be in this situation..
no help,,, but actually u need any help...
no consideration.. but actually u need any consideration
seems so cruel..
but that was the reality friends..
people will judge us from how we act and behave to another person..
if have a good record.. congrats to you..
but if its not.. welcome to the darkness..
what i have learned is
try drive your self carefully..
so then u will not get any mistake..
means " RARE" to get it..
friends, life must be go on..maybe someone must be feel hurt and being cheated..
but without that life is so essence
that's why we usually called life is like a games..
what we must do is play on it
but play carefully..
because the one who can play it well will be the winner...
that why i call life as " a destiny games "
we cant guess what we will be? win or loss..
but we can set it...
thx for understanding me,m'len
yes... life is must be gone.. what ever the reason..
what ever have happened, we can not ask the time to stop for a while..
even more, to go back...
no,,not at all..
and what i want to share in here..
is a simple one but its complex to explain..
same like a life.. its a simple but its too complicated to play the role on it..
today i learn something, actually one of my best friends which is ester..
she tell me about some of her cases..
and did you know somethin???
after sharing and try to find out what is the best way to overcome..
i rolling eyes and i try figure out, what will i do if i be her?..its confusing
really confusing..
when we defend someone with all of our strength but we got nothing
NOTHING at all!!
so hurt..
so sick..
and disappointed..
that was her feeling.. and i know its not an easy things to solve..
but, i also try to position my self in the person who being suspect..
and did u guess something?
it also so weight to be in this situation..
no help,,, but actually u need any help...
no consideration.. but actually u need any consideration
seems so cruel..
but that was the reality friends..
people will judge us from how we act and behave to another person..
if have a good record.. congrats to you..
but if its not.. welcome to the darkness..
what i have learned is
try drive your self carefully..
so then u will not get any mistake..
means " RARE" to get it..
friends, life must be go on..maybe someone must be feel hurt and being cheated..
but without that life is so essence
that's why we usually called life is like a games..
what we must do is play on it
but play carefully..
because the one who can play it well will be the winner...
that why i call life as " a destiny games "
we cant guess what we will be? win or loss..
but we can set it...
thx for understanding me,m'len
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