hari ini, gw bareng ama anak2 CASH ngerayain valentine bareng ama anak2 Al-Azhar...
Hari ini gw bersyukur banget, karena semuanya bisa berjalan dgn baik...
Walaupun hari ini lumayan capek, tapi tetep aja seru banget
thank banget yagh buat dukungan doa, dana, tenaga, pikiran, de el el...
moga kita bisa makin erat hubungannya n bisa buat event yang lebih baik lg....
cia yo guys...
jangan lupa yagh, tiap rabu and senin
jam stgh 5...
with love, ester
Sabtu, 20 Februari 2010
Kamis, 18 Februari 2010
hot guy
hehehe, remember this song?
if i'm not mistaken, it was october, 2008
I'll always remember
It was late afternoon
It lasted forever
And ended so soon, yeah
You were all by yourself
Staring up at a dark grey sky
I was changed
In places no one will find
All your feelings so deep inside
Was there that I realized
That forever was in your eyes
The moment I saw you cry
The moment that I saw you cry
It was late in September
And I've seen you before
You were always the cold one
But I was never that sure
You were all by yourself
Staring up at a dark grey sky
I was changed
In places no one will find
All your feelings so deep inside
Was there that I realized
That forever was in your eyes
The moment I saw you cry
I wanted to hold you
I wanted to make it go away
I wanted to know you
I wanted to make your everything
I'll always remember
It was late afternoon
In places no one will find
All your feelings so deep inside
Baby, oh no no
Forever was in your eyes
Was there that I realized
That forever was in your eyes
The moment I saw you cry
Baby Cry!
The moment that I saw you cry
Oh no no
I think I saw you cry
The moment I saw you cry
I wanted to know you
I wanted to know you
I wanted to know you
if i'm not mistaken, it was october, 2008
I'll always remember
It was late afternoon
It lasted forever
And ended so soon, yeah
You were all by yourself
Staring up at a dark grey sky
I was changed
In places no one will find
All your feelings so deep inside
Was there that I realized
That forever was in your eyes
The moment I saw you cry
The moment that I saw you cry
It was late in September
And I've seen you before
You were always the cold one
But I was never that sure
You were all by yourself
Staring up at a dark grey sky
I was changed
In places no one will find
All your feelings so deep inside
Was there that I realized
That forever was in your eyes
The moment I saw you cry
I wanted to hold you
I wanted to make it go away
I wanted to know you
I wanted to make your everything
I'll always remember
It was late afternoon
In places no one will find
All your feelings so deep inside
Baby, oh no no
Forever was in your eyes
Was there that I realized
That forever was in your eyes
The moment I saw you cry
Baby Cry!
The moment that I saw you cry
Oh no no
I think I saw you cry
The moment I saw you cry
I wanted to know you
I wanted to know you
I wanted to know you
sup kadal

hari ini, tanpa disadari gw terserang penyakit mematikan...
tensi gw turun (lebay bgt)
tapi thx for khe, yang uda nawarin gw sup kadal
biar gw sembuh katanya....
walaupun kadang2 nich orang suka gax waras, tapi gw tahu sebenernya niatan dia baik...
untuk mengurangi populasi kadal yang ada di dorm ^.^
makasi yagh beib
Rabu, 17 Februari 2010
he's just not that into me

as a girl, there is one thing that will be exactly happened
I'm very thankful because I already felt this...
My mom said "if u're falling in love, do not love him too deep,
he can break your heart, and u'll gonna cry all the time...."
hehehe,,, i felt in love deeply....
but i was scared...
i'm scare because he maybe hurt me...
i'm scare because i maybe cry again
i'm scare because it hurt...
i'm scare because he maybe not feel the same feeling with me...
i'm scare T.T
maybe, i think too much,
love is blind, right?
i really wanna feel this feeling again...
to fall in love deeply, become blind...
i know why many people said "LOVE IS BLIND"
because if u love someone, you don't need to worry,
you don't need to scare...
my ex-boyfriend told me:
"there's nothing wrong with break up, if you can cry because of someone, it means, he's just not that into you... and you gonna find someone better, not me..."
when i heard this, i cried out... but now I can smile, break up only mean he's just not that into me... and there's someone wait for me, somewhere.... i don't know where, but i believe he's the best!
Minggu, 14 Februari 2010
house for sale

Located in Tabanan - Bali, this house is a cozy place to rest...
only 30 minutes from Denpasar,
45 minutes from Kuta
5 minutes from Tabanan
and 20 minutes from Tanah Lot...
It's located in Jalan Turi no. 26, Tabanan-Bali
has an easy access to Grokgak Freeway...
Land : 8 are (800 m2)
Building area: 1.7 are (170 m2)
3 bedrooms (include AC in every room)
1 maid bedroom
4 bathroom (1 with bathtub and water heather in 3 bathrooms)
1 living room (include AC)
1 clean kitchen
1 dirty kitchen
1 storage room
1 garage (for 2 cars)
1 balai bengong
electricity: 4,400 watt
water: PAM and well
It also sold with all the landscape and plants...
It very comfortable to live in...
with price only $200,000 (negotiation) you can have it...
just contact:
Bpk. Untung 0878611941919/ 087861198886
Ester 087886306445
today... full of assignment
ok, now I understand why people hate monday so much...
this Monday, i just realize that I have many assignments from lecturer...
- consumer research from consumer behavior class
- make summary for 4 chapter in Career management class
- and also make summary for Qualitative Research Method
I just convinced myself to finish this F***in' assignment TODAY!!!
hahahaha "it's bullshit maybe"
I got new project this week to celebrate valentine's day
I hope everything gonna be OK
hmmmph, too many assignments
someone please help me...
i will isolate my internet, so i can't update my status on FB, twitter, and blog!
hope it will be succeed....
this Monday, i just realize that I have many assignments from lecturer...
- consumer research from consumer behavior class
- make summary for 4 chapter in Career management class
- and also make summary for Qualitative Research Method
I just convinced myself to finish this F***in' assignment TODAY!!!
hahahaha "it's bullshit maybe"
I got new project this week to celebrate valentine's day
I hope everything gonna be OK
hmmmph, too many assignments
someone please help me...
i will isolate my internet, so i can't update my status on FB, twitter, and blog!
hope it will be succeed....
the end of valentine day
11.30 pm
today i was enjoyed my QUALITY TIME with my dormmate:
henny, tika and khe...
I cooked lunch and have a great conversation with them
it's kinda fun, to spend your time with people around
oh yeah, i also spent my time with my brow, ivan..
i don't know since when, i think we are become far...
but now, we've become closer again
we ate seafood, buy juice
and laugh together...
i think it's been a long time we've spent time together...
but again, it's about quality not quantity....
my friend, henny got a bucket of rose from his boyfriend...
eventhough i'm not kind of romantic girl, but actually i really want one...
ps: valentine day just gone like another day
but today, i just faced many new reality, that love is quality...
i love u
today i was enjoyed my QUALITY TIME with my dormmate:
henny, tika and khe...
I cooked lunch and have a great conversation with them
it's kinda fun, to spend your time with people around
oh yeah, i also spent my time with my brow, ivan..
i don't know since when, i think we are become far...
but now, we've become closer again
we ate seafood, buy juice
and laugh together...
i think it's been a long time we've spent time together...
but again, it's about quality not quantity....
my friend, henny got a bucket of rose from his boyfriend...
eventhough i'm not kind of romantic girl, but actually i really want one...
ps: valentine day just gone like another day
but today, i just faced many new reality, that love is quality...
i love u
Sabtu, 13 Februari 2010

today, february 14, 2010
i just find what's the meaning of valentine's day...
today, i'll not go with my boyfriend
but i'd like to enjoy this day with my friends...
eventhough, someone make me mad last night,
but i hope everything gonna be just find...
hmmmmph, feel so lonesome today
because of something that make me can't understand...
guys, today i'm just downloading a love quote from internet
"It's so easy, To think about Love, To Talk about Love, To wish for Love, But it's not always easy, To recognize Love, Even when we hold it.... In our hands."
yeps, i think it's kinda true...
the most important thing is be thankful for what we have...
until now, i still learn about it...
Love is thank...
i think i just make my own quote,,,
for everybody that celebrate valentine's day...
may your life is filled with love
be thankful - that's the key to enjoying ur life....
-god bless-
ps: i love u
rasa ini
gw lg suka bgt ama lagu ini...
RASA INI by Vierra
ku tak percaya kau ada disini
menemaniku di saat dia pergi
sungguh bahagia kau ada disini
menghapus semua sakit yang kurasa
mungkinkah kau merasakan
semua yang ku pasrahkan
kenanglah kasih..
Reff :
ku suka dirinya, mungkin aku sayang
namun apakah mungkin, kau menjadi milikku
kau pernah menjadi , menjadi miliknya
namun salahlah aku, bila ku pernah merasa ini
my besties in marketing
miss this moment

i really miss this moment...
CHOIR: i really love to join this club...
i think this picture was taken at december 2008
hmmmmph, really wanna sing again with them T.T
CASh: i love this group very much
in this club, i learn how to be a leader...
really love to care and share more and more...
God bless u guys ^.^
Jumat, 12 Februari 2010
house for SALE!!!

Location: Tabanan - Bali
Luas: 800 m2 (8 are)
3 kamar tidur
1 kamar tidur pembantu
4 kamar mandi
1 ruang tamu
1 ruang keluarga
1 dapur bersih
1 dapur kotor
1 ruang setrika
1 ruang serbaguna
1 ruang setrika
garasi (untuk 2 mobil)
location: Bali
Price : $200,000 (nego)
contact person: Bpk Untung 087861941919/087861198886/087886306445
Kamis, 11 Februari 2010
sebut saja dia..... sari nikmat

gw punya temen yang namanya SARI
temen gw yang satu ini
suka menabung
mentaati dasa darma dan pancasila....
sari, dia adalah anak marketing terlucu yang pernah ada....
sari, selalu menemani gw saat gw kesedihan
saat gw niat banget usilin orang, orang itu adalah sari....
di resto plaza
*tempat gaul anak2 President University*
ada sebuah resto yang jualan ayam presto
dan nama resto itu adalah...............................................
jeng jeng jeng jeng................................
entah mengapa, gw merasa ada hubungan yang dekat antara resto ini dan sari....
klo kata orang:
seperti perangko ama surat
seperti kumbang dengan bunga
dan seperti itulah
jadi, gw panggil dia...
semenjak ada nama baru ini,
kepopulerannya bisa ngalahin MJ alias Mekel Joko
ada nama laen yang sangat pas buat sari...
sari itu kadang2 suka sotoy dan gax mau berhenti ngomong...
jadi gw mikir2 apa nama yang cocok buat sari...
and finnaly gw ketemu....
itu adalah nama yang TEPAT!!!!
sari, selamat yagh, karena lo uda BERHASIL masuk ke blog gw
yang super duper keren ini...
ki joko bodo :D

tadi siang, gw abiz ikutan kelasnya mr. edi supriyadi
dosen paling baek, lucu, mungil and imut yang pernah ada di kampus gw
(ya tuhan, ini semua tulus dari hati saya, bukan rekayasa) wkwkkwkw
pulang-pulang abis kepanasan,
terus gw bobo siang!!!!
emank paling enak klo bobo siang...hahhaha
terus jam 3 sore, ada temen gw yang namanya
SARI NIKMAT SOTOY AYAM yg gedor2 kamar gw....
mungkin lo pada bingung, kenapa nama temen gw mirip merk mie instant...
emank!!!! sari mukanya mirip mie instant, lho!!!!!
sari lebih mirip ama AYAM PRESTO....
jadi sebut aja dia SARI NIKMAT AYAM PRESTO....
okeh, itu baru prolognya doank....
naaah, pas lagi ngobrol ama:
SARI (sari nikmat ayam presto)
HIKHE (nyi blorong)
gw teringat ttg sesuatu yang indah ttg roomate gw, ELSA...
ada judul lagu yang menginspirasi gw buat gambarin elsa:
"kau begitu sempurna di mataku kau begitu indah"
nah, itu lagu SEMPURNA yang dipopulerkan oleh TATA DADO...
elsa.... rambutnya itu lho, gax nahan bgt....
terurai indah, panjang dan hitam....
taoi tiba2 godaan saiton nirojim menggoda gw....
membangkitkan sifat usil gw yang uda lama terpendam.....
dan gw nyebut dia
gilaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... elsa mirip banget ama ki joko bodo....
rambutnya, senyumnya, parasnya....
semua menggoda.....
okeh, selanjutnya sebut saja dia
tadi gw baru ajah ngasi dia sesajen
kesukaan mbah saat bertapa.....
dan langsung dianterin ama abdi dalemnya
wkwkwkkw, what a funny day!!!!!
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